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Episode 12: 3 in 30: How to Find Career Clarity with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

Posts Tagged:
work styles


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    Cultivating Confidence, Professional Development
    11 Ways to Build Trust in The Workplace

    How do you make sure that you can trust your colleagues? Conversely, how do you ensure that they can trust you? Here's how to build trust at work.

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    Routines + Productivity, Soft Skills
    Work Smarter Not Harder: 7 Ways to Embrace Slow Work

    We're all told to hustle all the time—to the point of burnout. Here's our case for slow work and why working smarter doesn't always mean working harder.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Hard Skills, Soft Skills
    30+ Positive Character Traits of a Great Employee

    How do you showcase your best character traits in the interview process and throughout your career? Let's explore the most positive character traits at work.

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    Career Development
    What Is Career Mapping? How to Map Your Own Career Path

    Career mapping is the process by which employers create methods for individual advancement within their company.

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    Professional Development
    20 Bad Work Habits to Leave Behind

    Are you guilty of bad work habits, like procrastination, one-upping your coworkers, or being too braggy at work? Here's how to recognize + kick bad work habits to the curb.

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    Routines + Productivity
    Why Single-Tasking Might Be the Key to Success

    We've all heard about the virtues of multitasking, but perhaps single-tasking is the real key to productivity.

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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture, Working From Home
    Why the 4-Day Work Week Works Better

    Everybody is talking about the advantages of the four-day work week, but can it actually work? Also, the 100-year-old reason that we work 40 hour, 5-day work weeks might make you laugh.

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    Soft Skills
    What Are My Career Values? How to Center Your Values at Work

    What's important to you? Your core values would be at the center of your life and work. Here's how to identify your core values.

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    Cultivating Confidence
    How to Make a Good First Impression: 20 Expert Tips

    Ensure that you make a good first impression in every setting. Whether you're in an interview or meeting new clients, here's how to make a good first impression every time.

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    Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development
    Our Guide to Setting Personal KPIs for Success

    KPIs, they're not just for work projects anymore. Learn how to set—and achieve—personal KPIs at work, at home, and in your relationships.